
Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:security\tomoyo\util.c Create Date:2022-07-27 21:17:16
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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函数名称:moyo_file_matches_pattern - Pattern matching without '/' character.*@filename: The start of string to check.*@filename_end: The end of string to check.*@pattern: The start of pattern to compare.*@pattern_end: The end of pattern to compare.

函数原型:static bool tomoyo_file_matches_pattern(const char *filename, const char *filename_end, const char *pattern, const char *pattern_end)



const char *filename
const char *filename_end
const char *pattern
const char *pattern_end
800  pattern_start等于pattern
801  bool first = true
804 pattern小于pattern_end减1循环
806  如果pattern自加不等于'\\'或pattern自加不等于'-'则继续下一循环
808  result等于moyo_file_matches_pattern2 - Pattern matching without '/' character and "\-" pattern.*@filename: The start of string to check.*@filename_end: The end of string to check.*@pattern: The start of pattern to compare.
812  如果firstresult等于非result
814  如果result则返回:false
816  first = false
817  pattern_start等于pattern
819  result等于moyo_file_matches_pattern2 - Pattern matching without '/' character and "\-" pattern.*@filename: The start of string to check.*@filename_end: The end of string to check.*@pattern: The start of pattern to compare.
821  返回:如果firstresult否则非result
tomoyo_path_matches_pattern2moyo_path_matches_pattern2 - Do pathname pattern matching.*@f: The start of string to check.*@p: The start of pattern to compare.* Returns true if @f matches @p, false otherwise.