
Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:security\smack\smack_lsm.c Create Date:2022-07-27 20:51:07
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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函数名称:smack_ipv6host_label - check host based restrictions*@sip: the object end* looks for host based access restrictions* This version will only be appropriate for really small sets of single label* hosts

函数原型:static struct smack_known *smack_ipv6host_label(struct sockaddr_in6 *sip)

返回类型:struct smack_known


struct sockaddr_in6 *sip
2361  sap等于 IPv6 address
2363  found等于0
2368  如果smk_ipv6_localhost - Check for local ipv6 host address*@sip: the address* Returns boolean true if this is the localhost address则返回:NULL
2376  如果(label == NULL)则继续下一循环
2383 i小于8循环
2384  如果s6_addr16[i]按位与s6_addr16[i]的值不等于s6_addr16[i]则
2386  found等于0
2387  退出
2390  如果found则返回:label
2394  返回:NULL
smk_ipv6_port_checksmk_ipv6_port_check - check Smack port access*@sk: socket*@address: address*@act: the action being taken* Create or update the port list entry
smack_socket_connectsmack_socket_connect - connect access check*@sock: the socket*@sap: the other end*@addrlen: size of sap* Verifies that a connection may be possible* Returns 0 on success, and error code otherwise
smack_socket_sendmsgsmack_socket_sendmsg - Smack check based on destination host*@sock: the socket*@msg: the message*@size: the size of the message* Return 0 if the current subject can write to the destination host.
smack_socket_sock_rcv_skbsmack_socket_sock_rcv_skb - Smack packet delivery access check*@sk: socket*@skb: packet* Returns 0 if the packet should be delivered, an error code otherwise