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Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:security\selinux\hooks.c Create Date:2022-07-28 19:00:29
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Proto:static int selinux_sock_rcv_skb_compat(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, u16 family)



struct sock *sk
struct sk_buff *skb
4969  err = 0
4970  sksec = sk_security
4971  sk_sid = SID of this object
4973  struct lsm_network_audit net = {0, }
4976  type = LSM_AUDIT_DATA_NET
4977  net = net
4978  netif = skb_iif
4979  family = family
4980  err = selinux_parse_skb(skb, & ad, & addrp, 1, NULL)
4981  If err Then Return err
4984  If selinux_secmark_enabled - Check to see if SECMARK is currently enabled* Description:* This function checks the SECMARK reference counter to see if any SECMARK* targets are currently configured, if the reference counter is greater than Then
4985  err = avc_has_perm - Check permissions and perform any appropriate auditing
4988  If err Then Return err
4992  err = selinux_netlbl_sock_rcv_skb - Do an inbound access check using NetLabel*@sksec: the sock's sk_security_struct*@skb: the packet*@family: protocol family*@ad: the audit data* Description:* Fetch the NetLabel security attributes from @skb and perform an
4993  If err Then Return err
4995  err = LSM hook that controls access to unlabelled packets. If* a xfrm_state is authorizable (defined by macro) then it was* already authorized by the IPSec process. If not, then* we need to check for unlabelled access since this may not have
4997  Return err
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