Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:security\apparmor\label.c Create Date:2022-07-28 19:54:25
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Name:aa_label_match - do a multi-component label match*@profile: profile to match against (NOT NULL)*@label: label to match (NOT NULL)*@state: state to start in*@subns: whether to match subns components*@request: permission request*@perms: Returns computed

Proto:int aa_label_match(struct aa_profile *profile, struct aa_label *label, unsigned int state, bool subns, unsigned int request, struct aa_perms *perms)



struct aa_profile *profile
struct aa_label *label
unsigned intstate
unsigned intrequest
struct aa_perms *perms
1394  error = label_compound_match - find perms for full compound label*@profile: profile to find perms for*@label: label to check access permissions for*@start: state to start match in*@subns: whether to do permission checks on components in a subns*@request:
1396  If Not error Then Return error
1399  perms = allperms
1400  Return label_components_match - find perms for all subcomponents of a label*@profile: profile to find perms for*@label: label to check access permissions for*@start: state to start match in*@subns: whether to do permission checks on components in a