
Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:mm\percpu.c Create Date:2022-07-27 15:50:51
Last Modify:2022-05-23 13:52:24 Copyright©Brick
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函数名称:pcpu_find_zero_area - modified from bitmap_find_next_zero_area_off()*@map: the address to base the search on*@size: the bitmap size in bits*@start: the bitnumber to start searching at*@nr: the number of zeroed bits we're looking for*@align_mask: alignment

函数原型:static unsigned long pcpu_find_zero_area(unsigned long *map, unsigned long size, unsigned long start, unsigned long nr, unsigned long align_mask, unsigned long *largest_off, unsigned long *largest_bits)

返回类型:unsigned long


unsigned long *map
unsigned longsize
unsigned longstart
unsigned longnr
unsigned longalign_mask
unsigned long *largest_off
unsigned long *largest_bits
1140  again :
1141  index等于在内存区域中查找下一个零位
1144  index等于__ALIGN_MASK(index, align_mask)
1145  area_off等于index
1147  end等于indexnr
1148  如果end大于size则返回:end
1150  i等于在内存区域中找到下一个设置位
1151  如果i小于end
1152  area_bits等于iarea_off
1157  largest_off等于area_off
1158  largest_bits等于area_bits
1161  start等于i加1
1162  转到:again
1164  返回:index
pcpu_alloc_areapcpu_alloc_area - allocates an area from a pcpu_chunk*@chunk: chunk of interest*@alloc_bits: size of request in allocation units*@align: alignment of area (max PAGE_SIZE)*@start: bit_off to start searching* This function takes in a @start offset to begin