Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:mm\percpu.c Create Date:2022-07-28 14:25:38
Last Modify:2022-05-23 13:52:24 Copyright©Brick
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Name:pcpu_addr_in_chunk - check if the address is served from this chunk*@chunk: chunk of interest*@addr: percpu address* RETURNS:* True if the address is served from this chunk.

Proto:static bool pcpu_addr_in_chunk(struct pcpu_chunk *chunk, void *addr)



struct pcpu_chunk *chunk
void *addr
210  If Not chunk Then Return false
213  start_addr = base address of this chunk + the overlap with the previous region to have a page aligned base_addr
214  end_addr = base address of this chunk + # of pages served by this chunk * PAGE_SIZE - additional area required to have the region end page aligned
217  Return addr >= start_addr && addr < end_addr
pcpu_chunk_addr_searchpcpu_chunk_addr_search - determine chunk containing specified address*@addr: address for which the chunk needs to be determined.* This is an internal function that handles all but static allocations.