Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:lib\zstd\fse_decompress.c Create Date:2022-07-28 07:08:08
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Name:Function templates

Proto:size_t FSE_buildDTable_wksp(FSE_DTable *dt, const short *normalizedCounter, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog, void *workspace, size_t workspaceSize)



FSE_DTable *dt
const short *normalizedCounter
void *workspace
97  tdPtr = dt + 1
98  FSE_DECODE_TYPE * tableDecode * FSE_DECODE_TYPE = tdPtr
99  symbolNext = workspace
101  maxSV1 = maxSymbolValue + 1
102  tableSize = 1 << tableLog
103  highThreshold = tableSize - 1
106  If workspaceSize < sizeof(U16) * (!FSE_MAX_SYMBOL_VALUE :* Maximum symbol value authorized.* Required for proper stack allocation + 1) Then Return -***************************************** Error codes handling(tableLog_tooLarge)
108  If maxSymbolValue > !FSE_MAX_SYMBOL_VALUE :* Maximum symbol value authorized.* Required for proper stack allocation Then Return -***************************************** Error codes handling(maxSymbolValue_tooLarge)
110  If tableLog > Constants Then Return -***************************************** Error codes handling(tableLog_tooLarge)
116  tableLog = tableLog
117  fastMode = 1
119  largeLimit = 1 << tableLog - 1
121  When s < maxSV1 cycle
122  If normalizedCounter[s] == -1 Then
123  symbol = s
124  symbolNext[s] = 1
125  Else
132  No 3D Now!(dt, & DTableH, size of DTableH )
137  tableMask = tableSize - 1
138  step = FSE_TABLESTEP(tableSize)
139  position = 0
140  When s < maxSV1 cycle
142  When i < normalizedCounter[s] cycle
149  If position != 0 Then Return -***************************************** Error codes handling(GENERIC)
156  When u < tableSize cycle
164  Return 0
ZSTD_buildSeqTable : nb bytes read from src,
ZSTD_loadEntropy : size of entropy tables read