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Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:lib\zstd\decompress.c Create Date:2022-07-28 07:07:18
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Proto:static size_t ZSTD_decompressSequencesLong(ZSTD_DCtx *dctx, void *dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void *seqStart, size_t seqSize)



ZSTD_DCtx *dctx
void *dst
const void *seqStart
1350  ip = seqStart
1351  iend = ip + seqSize
1352  ostart = dst
1353  oend = ostart + maxDstSize
1354  op = ostart
1355  litPtr = litPtr
1356  litEnd = litPtr + litSize
1357  base = base
1358  vBase = vBase
1359  dictEnd = dictEnd
1360  windowSize = windowSize
1365  seqHSize = ZSTD_decodeSeqHeaders(dctx, & nbSeq, ip, seqSize)
1366  If ZSTD_isError() - tells if a size_t function result is an error code*@code: The function result to check for error.* Return: Non-zero iff the code is an error. Then Return seqHSize
1368  ip += seqHSize
1372  If nbSeq Then
1376  sequences = workspace
1377  seqAdvance = -************************************** shared macros(nbSeq, ADVANCED_SEQS)
1381  fseEntropy = 1
1387  base = base
1388  pos = op - base
1389  gotoDict = dictEnd - base
1391  FSE_initDState( & stateLL, & DStream, LLTptr)
1392  FSE_initDState( & stateOffb, & DStream, OFTptr)
1393  FSE_initDState( & stateML, & DStream, MLTptr)
1399  If seqNb < seqAdvance Then Return -***************************************** Error codes handling(corruption_detected)
1411  op += oneSeqSize
1413  If seqNb < nbSeq Then Return -***************************************** Error codes handling(corruption_detected)
1417  seqNb -= seqAdvance
1418  When seqNb < nbSeq cycle
1422  op += oneSeqSize
1435  lastLLSize = litEnd - litPtr
1436  If lastLLSize > oend - op Then Return -***************************************** Error codes handling(dstSize_tooSmall)
1438  No 3D Now!(op, litPtr, lastLLSize)
1439  op += lastLLSize
1442  Return op - ostart
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