
Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:lib\vsprintf.c Create Date:2022-07-27 07:09:38
Last Modify:2022-05-21 09:47:42 Copyright©Brick
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函数原型:static __attribute__((__noinline__)) char *device_node_string(char *buf, char *end, struct device_node *dn, struct printf_spec spec, const char *fmt)



char *buf
char *end
struct device_node *dn
struct printf_specspec
const char *fmt
1943  buf_start等于buf
1946  static const struct printf_spec num_spec = { flags to number() = use lowercase in hex (must be 32 == 0x20) , width of output field = - 1, # of digits/chars = - 1, number base, 8, 10 or 16 only = 10, }
1953  str_spec等于spec
1954  width of output field 等于负1
1956  如果fmt[0]不等于'F'则返回:Be careful: error messages must fit into the given buffer.
1959  如果非IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_FOO) evaluates to 1 if CONFIG_FOO is set to 'y' or 'm',* 0 otherwise.(CONFIG_OF)则返回:Be careful: error messages must fit into the given buffer.
1962  如果check_pointer( & buf, end, dn, spec)则返回:buf
1966  fmt自加
1967  如果fmt[0]恒等于'\0'或strcspn - Calculate the length of the initial substring of @s which does not contain letters in @reject*@s: The string to be searched*@reject: The string to avoid大于0则fmt等于"f"
1970 strspn - Calculate the length of the initial substring of @s which only contain letters in @accept*@s: The string to be searched*@accept: The string to search for循环
1972  如果pass
1973  如果buf小于endbuf等于':'
1975  buf自加
1979  :fmt恒等于'f'
1983  :fmt恒等于'n'
1990  :fmt恒等于'p'
1991  buf等于number(buf, end, (unsignedint)phandle, num_spec)
1992  退出
1993  :fmt恒等于'P'
1995  如果非p[1]则p等于"/"
1997  buf等于string(buf, end, p, str_spec)
1998  退出
1999  :fmt恒等于'F'
2000  tbuf[0]等于如果of_node_check_flag(dn, (and properties) allocated via kmalloc )则'D'否则'-'
2001  tbuf[1]等于如果of_node_check_flag(dn, detached from the device tree )则'd'否则'-'
2002  tbuf[2]等于如果of_node_check_flag(dn, device already created )则'P'否则'-'
2003  tbuf[3]等于如果of_node_check_flag(dn, platform bus created for children )则'B'否则'-'
2004  tbuf[4]等于0
2006  退出
2007  :fmt恒等于'c'
2008  ret等于of_property_read_string(dn, "compatible", & p)
2009  如果非retbuf等于string(buf, end, p, str_spec)
2011  退出
2012  :fmt恒等于'C'
2023  退出
2024  默认
2025  退出
2029  返回:Handle field width padding for a string.*@buf: current buffer position*@n: length of string*@end: end of output buffer*@spec: for field width and flags* Returns: new buffer position after padding.
pointerShow a '%p' thing. A kernel extension is that the '%p' is followed* by an extra set of alphanumeric characters that are extended format* specifiers.* Please update scripts/checkpatch.pl when adding/removing conversion* characters