Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:lib\test_stackinit.c Create Date:2022-07-28 06:36:00
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Name:Static initialization: padding may be left uninitialized.

Proto:static __attribute__((__noinline__)) __attribute__((__section__(".init.text"))) __attribute__((__cold__)) int leaf_packed_static_partial(unsigned long sp, bool fill, struct test_packed *arg)



unsigned longsp
struct test_packed *arg
265  struct test_packed var = {two = 0, }
265  Location and size tracking to validate fill and test are colocated. = var
265  target_size = size of var
265  __builtin_memset(buf, (char)(sp & 0xff), size of buf )
265  If fill Then
265  Location and size tracking to validate fill and test are colocated. = var
265  fill_size = size of var
265  __builtin_memset(Location and size tracking to validate fill and test are colocated. , (char)((sp & 0xff) | Volatile mask to convince compiler to copy memory with 0xff. ), fill_size)
265  Static initialization: padding may be left uninitialized.
265  gcc 内建函数 需要声明
265  Return buf[0] | buf[ size of buf - 1]
test_packed_static_partialStatic initialization: padding may be left uninitialized.