
Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:lib\math\div64.c Create Date:2022-07-27 07:40:42
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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函数名称:div_s64_rem - signed 64bit divide with 64bit divisor and remainder*@dividend: 64bit dividend*@divisor: 64bit divisor*@remainder: 64bit remainder

函数原型:s64 div_s64_rem(s64 dividend, s32 divisor, s32 *remainder)



s32 *remainder
75  如果dividend小于0则
76  quotient等于div_u64_rem( - dividend, abs - return absolute value of an argument*@x: the value. If it is unsigned type, it is converted to signed type first.* char is treated as if it was signed (regardless of whether it really is)* but the macro's return type is preserved as char.(divisor), (u32 * )remainder)
77  remainder等于负remainder
78  如果divisor大于0则quotient等于负quotient
80  否则
81  quotient等于div_u64_rem(dividend, abs - return absolute value of an argument*@x: the value. If it is unsigned type, it is converted to signed type first.* char is treated as if it was signed (regardless of whether it really is)* but the macro's return type is preserved as char.(divisor), (u32 * )remainder)
82  如果divisor小于0则quotient等于负quotient
85  返回:quotient
second_overflowhis routine handles the overflow of the microsecond field* The tricky bits of code to handle the accurate clock support* were provided by Dave Mills (Mills@UDEL.EDU) of NTP fame.* They were originally developed for SUN and DEC kernels.
time64_to_tmme64_to_tm - converts the calendar time to local broken-down time*@totalsecs the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970,* Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
ns_to_timespecs_to_timespec - Convert nanoseconds to timespec*@nsec: the nanoseconds value to be converted* Returns the timespec representation of the nsec parameter.
div_s64div_s64 - signed 64bit divide with 32bit divisor*@dividend: signed 64bit dividend*@divisor: signed 32bit divisor