Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:kernel\trace\trace_functions_graph.c Create Date:2022-07-28 12:13:06
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Name:Case of a leaf function on its call entry

Proto:static enum print_line_t print_graph_entry_leaf(struct trace_iterator *iter, struct ftrace_graph_ent_entry *entry, struct ftrace_graph_ret_entry *ret_entry, struct trace_seq *s, unsigned int flags)

Type:enum print_line_t


struct trace_iterator *iter
struct ftrace_graph_ent_entry *entry
struct ftrace_graph_ret_entry *ret_entry
struct trace_seq *s
unsigned intflags
631  data = private
632  tr = tr
636  cpu = cpu
639  graph_ret = ret
640  call = graph_ent
641  duration = rettime - calltime
643  If data Then
646  cpu_data = per_cpu_ptr(cpu_data, cpu)
653  depth = depth - 1
656  If depth < FTRACE_RETFUNC_DEPTH && Not WARN_ON_ONCE(depth < 0) Then enter_funcs[depth] = 0
662  print_graph_duration(tr, duration, s, flags)
665  When i < depth * TRACE_GRAPH_INDENT cycle race_seq_putc - trace sequence printing of simple character*@s: trace sequence descriptor*@c: simple character to record* The tracer may use either the sequence operations or its own* copy to user routines
668  race_seq_printf - sequence printing of trace information*@s: trace sequence descriptor*@fmt: printf format string* The tracer may use either sequence operations or its own* copy to user routines
670  print_graph_irq(iter, Current function , TRACE_GRAPH_RET, cpu, pid, flags)
673  Return Several functions return TRACE_TYPE_PARTIAL_LINE if the trace_seq* overflowed, and TRACE_TYPE_HANDLED otherwise. This helper function* simplifies those functions and keeps them in sync.
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