Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:kernel\livepatch\shadow.c Create Date:2022-07-28 10:31:23
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Name:klp_shadow_match() - verify a shadow variable matches given <obj, id>*@shadow: shadow variable to match*@obj: pointer to parent object*@id: data identifier* Return: true if the shadow variable matches.

Proto:static inline bool klp_shadow_match(struct klp_shadow *shadow, void *obj, unsigned long id)



struct klp_shadow *shadow
void *obj
unsigned longid
73  Return obj == obj && id == id
klp_shadow_getklp_shadow_get() - retrieve a shadow variable data pointer*@obj: pointer to parent object*@id: data identifier* Return: the shadow variable data element, NULL on failure.
klp_shadow_freeklp_shadow_free() - detach and free a shadow variable*@obj: pointer to parent object*@id: data identifier*@dtor: custom callback that can be used to unregister the variable* and/or free data that the shadow variable points to (optional)* This
klp_shadow_free_allklp_shadow_free_all() - detach and free all <*, id> shadow variables*@id: data identifier*@dtor: custom callback that can be used to unregister the variable* and/or free data that the shadow variable points to (optional)* This function releases the memory