函数逻辑报告 |
Source Code:include\uapi\linux\swab.h |
Create Date:2022-07-27 06:38:13 |
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 | Copyright©Brick |
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函数名称:Implement the following as inlines, but define the interface using* macros to allow constant folding when possible:* ___swab16, ___swab32, ___swab64, ___swahw32, ___swahb32
函数原型:static inline __attribute_const__ __u16 __fswab16(__u16 val)
类型 | 参数 | 名称 |
__u16 | val |
52 | 返回:casts are necessary for constants, because we never know how for sure* how U/UL/ULL map to __u16, __u32, __u64. At least not in a portable way.(val) |
源代码转换工具 开放的插件接口 | X |
支持:c/c++/esqlc/java Oracle/Informix/Mysql 插件可实现:逻辑报告 代码生成和批量转换代码 |