Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:include\linux\bitmap.h Create Date:2022-07-28 05:34:45
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Proto:static inline int bitmap_andnot(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *src1, const unsigned long *src2, unsigned int nbits)



unsigned long *dst
const unsigned long *src1
const unsigned long *src2
unsigned intnbits
302  If The static inlines below do not handle constant nbits==0 correctly,* so make such users (should any ever turn up) call the out-of-line* versions.(nbits) Then Return (dst = src1 & ~src2 & BITMAP_LAST_WORD_MASK(nbits) ) != 0
304  Return __bitmap_andnot(dst, src1, src2, nbits)
irq_matrix_remove_managedq_matrix_remove_managed - Remove managed interrupts in a CPU map*@m: Matrix pointer*@msk: On which CPUs the bits should be removed* Can be called for offline CPUs* This removes not allocated managed interrupts from the map
irq_matrix_alloc_managedq_matrix_alloc_managed - Allocate a managed interrupt in a CPU map*@m: Matrix pointer*@cpu: On which CPU the interrupt should be allocated
cpumask_andnotpumask_andnot - *dstp = *src1p & ~*src2p*@dstp: the cpumask result*@src1p: the first input*@src2p: the second input* If *@dstp is empty, returns 0, else returns 1
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