
Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:fs\quota\quota.c Create Date:2022-07-29 11:10:14
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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函数原型:static void copy_to_xfs_dqblk(struct fs_disk_quota *dst, struct qc_dqblk *src, int type, qid_t id)



struct fs_disk_quota *dst
struct qc_dqblk *src
594  memset(dst, 0, dst的长度)
595  version of this structure 等于s_disk_quota.d_version
596  user, project, or group ID 等于id
597  如果type恒等于lement used for user quotas FS_{USER,PROJ,GROUP}_QUOTA 等于user quota type
599  否则如果type恒等于lement used for project quotas FS_{USER,PROJ,GROUP}_QUOTA 等于project quota type
601  否则 FS_{USER,PROJ,GROUP}_QUOTA 等于group quota type
603  absolute limit on disk blks 等于quota_btobb(absolute limit on used space )
604  preferred limit on disk blks 等于quota_btobb(preferred limit on used space )
605  maximum # allocated inodes 等于maximum # allocated inodes
606  preferred inode limit 等于preferred inode limit
607  # disk blocks owned by the user 等于quota_btobb(Space owned by the user )
608  # inodes owned by the user 等于# inodes owned by the user
609  zero if within inode limits 等于zero if within inode limits
610  similar to above; for disk blocks 等于similar to above; for space
611  # warnings issued wrt num inodes 等于# warnings issued wrt num inodes
612  # warnings issued wrt disk blocks 等于# warnings issued wrt used space
613  absolute limit on realtime blks 等于quota_btobb(absolute limit on realtime space )
614  preferred limit on RT disk blks 等于quota_btobb(preferred limit on RT space )
615  # realtime blocks owned 等于quota_btobb(altime space owned )
616  similar to above; for RT disk blks 等于similar to above; for RT space
617  # warnings issued wrt RT disk blks 等于# warnings issued wrt RT space
quota_getnextxquotaReturn quota for next active quota >= this id, if any exists,* otherwise return -ENOENT via ->get_nextdqblk.