Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:fs\iomap\fiemap.c Create Date:2022-07-28 20:32:13
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Proto:static int iomap_to_fiemap(struct fiemap_extent_info *fi, struct iomap *iomap, unsigned int flags)



struct fiemap_extent_info *fi
struct iomap *iomap
unsigned intflags
19  Case type of mapping == blocks allocated, need allocation
21  Return 0
22  Case type of mapping == delayed allocation blocks
23  flags |= Location still pending.* Sets EXTENT_UNKNOWN. | Data location unknown.
24  Break
25  Case type of mapping == locks allocated at @addr
26  Break
27  Case type of mapping == locks allocated at @addr in unwritten state
28  flags |= Space allocated, but* no data (i.e. zero).
29  Break
30  Case type of mapping == data inline in the inode
31  flags |= Data mixed with metadata.* Sets EXTENT_NOT_ALIGNED.
32  Break
35  If flags for mapping & IOMAP_F_MERGED Then flags |= File does not natively* support extents. Result* merged for efficiency.
37  If flags for mapping & IOMAP_F_SHARED Then flags |= Space shared with other* files.
40  Return fiemap_fill_next_extent(fi, file offset of mapping, bytes , disk offset of mapping, bytes != addr is not valid ? disk offset of mapping, bytes : 0, length of mapping, bytes , flags)