
Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:block\genhd.c Create Date:2022-07-27 18:55:08
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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函数原型:static void disk_check_events(struct disk_events *ev, unsigned int *clearing_ptr)



struct disk_events *ev
unsigned int *clearing_ptr
1851  disk等于he associated disk
1852  char * envp[(disk_uevents的长度 / sizeof((disk_uevents)[0]) + ((int)(sizeof(struct{int : ( - !!(__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof((disk_uevents)), typeof( & (disk_uevents)[0]))));})))) + 1] = {}
1853  clearing等于clearing_ptr
1856  nr_events等于0
1859  events等于check_events(disk, clearing)
1862  spin_lock_irq( & lock)
1864  events与等于vents already sent out 的反
1865  vents already sent out 或等于events
1866  clearing_ptr与等于clearing的反
1868  intv等于disk_events_poll_jiffies(disk)
1869  如果非vent blocking depth intv启动延迟工作队列
1873  spin_unlock_irq( & lock)
1881 i小于ARRAY_SIZE - get the number of elements in array @arr*@arr: array to be sized(disk_uevents)循环如果events按位与 supported events 按位与1左移i位且 flags related to event processing 按位与DISK_EVENT_FLAG_UEVENT
1884  envp[nr_events++]等于disk_uevents[i]
1886  如果nr_eventskobject_uevent_env - send an uevent with environmental data*@kobj: struct kobject that the action is happening to*@action: action that is happening*@envp_ext: pointer to environmental data* Returns 0 if kobject_uevent_env() is completed with success or the
disk_clear_eventsdisk_clear_events - synchronously check, clear and return pending events*@disk: disk to fetch and clear events from*@mask: mask of events to be fetched and cleared* Disk events are synchronously checked and pending events in @mask
disk_events_workfnSeparate this part out so that a different pointer for clearing_ptr can be* passed in for disk_clear_events.