
Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:arch\x86\lib\insn.c Create Date:2022-07-27 08:24:06
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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函数名称:sn_get_opcode - collect opcode(s)*@insn: &struct insn containing instruction* Populates @insn->opcode, updates @insn->next_byte to point past the* opcode byte(s), and set @insn->attr (except for groups).

函数原型:void insn_get_opcode(struct insn *insn)



struct insn *insn
236  opcode等于* opcode.bytes[0]: opcode1 * opcode.bytes[1]: opcode2 * opcode.bytes[2]: opcode3
239  如果 !0 if we've run insn_get_xxx() for this field 则返回
241  如果非 !0 if we've run insn_get_xxx() for this field sn_get_prefixes - scan x86 instruction prefix bytes*@insn: &struct insn containing instruction* Populates the @insn->prefixes bitmap, and updates @insn->next_byte* to point to the (first) opcode. No effect if @insn->prefixes.got* is already set.
245  op等于get_next(insn_byte_t, insn)
246  bytes[0]等于op
247  nbytes等于1
250  如果insn_is_avx(insn)则
252  m等于insn_vex_m_bits(insn)
253  p等于insn_vex_p_bits(insn)
254  attr等于inat_get_avx_attribute(op, m, p)
255  如果inat_must_evex(attr)且非insn_is_evex(insn)或非inat_accept_vex(attr)且非inat_is_group(attr)则attr等于0
259  转到:end
262  attr等于Attribute search APIs
263 inat_is_escape(attr)循环
265  op等于get_next(insn_byte_t, insn)
266  bytes[nbytes++]等于op
267  pfx_id等于Get the last prefix id from last prefix or VEX prefix
268  attr等于inat_get_escape_attribute(op, pfx_id, attr)
270  如果inat_must_vex(attr)则attr等于0
272  end :
273  !0 if we've run insn_get_xxx() for this field 等于1
275  err_out :
276  返回
insn_get_modrmsn_get_modrm - collect ModRM byte, if any*@insn: &struct insn containing instruction* Populates @insn->modrm and updates @insn->next_byte to point past the* ModRM byte, if any. If necessary, first collects the preceding bytes* (prefixes and opcode(s))
is_string_insns_string_insn() - Determine if instruction is a string instruction*@insn: Instruction containing the opcode to inspect* Returns:* true if the instruction, determined by the opcode, is any of the