Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:arch\x86\kernel\pci-iommu_table.c Create Date:2022-07-28 07:47:29
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Proto:void __init check_iommu_entries(struct iommu_table_entry *start, struct iommu_table_entry *finish)



struct iommu_table_entry *start
struct iommu_table_entry *finish
56  When p < finish cycle
57  q = find_dependents_of(start, finish, p)
58  x = find_dependents_of(start, finish, q)
59  If p == x Then
60  printk(r conditions "CYCLIC DEPENDENCY FOUND! %pS depends on %pS and vice-versa. BREAKING IT.\n", detect, detect)
63  depend = NULL
67  When p < finish cycle
68  q = find_dependents_of(p, finish, p)
69  If q && q > p Then
70  printk(r conditions "EXECUTION ORDER INVALID! %pS should be called before %pS!\n", detect, detect)