Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:arch\x86\kernel\cpu\resctrl\pseudo_lock.c Create Date:2022-07-28 08:13:58
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Name:dtgroup_locksetup_user_restore - Restore user access to group*@rdtgrp: resource group needing access restored* Restore all file access previously removed using* rdtgroup_locksetup_user_restrict()* Return: 0 on success, <0 on failure

Proto:static int rdtgroup_locksetup_user_restore(struct rdtgroup *rdtgrp)



struct rdtgroup *rdtgrp
599  ret = dtgroup_kn_mode_restore - Restore user access to named resctrl file*@r: The resource group with which the file is associated.*@name: Name of the file*@mask: Mask of permissions that should be restored* Restore the permissions of the named file
600  If ret Then Return ret
603  ret = dtgroup_kn_mode_restore - Restore user access to named resctrl file*@r: The resource group with which the file is associated.*@name: Name of the file*@mask: Mask of permissions that should be restored* Restore the permissions of the named file
604  If ret Then Go to err_tasks
607  ret = dtgroup_kn_mode_restore - Restore user access to named resctrl file*@r: The resource group with which the file is associated.*@name: Name of the file*@mask: Mask of permissions that should be restored* Restore the permissions of the named file
608  If ret Then Go to err_cpus
611  If Global boolean for rdt_monitor which is true if any* resource monitoring is enabled. Then
612  ret = dtgroup_kn_mode_restore - Restore user access to named resctrl file*@r: The resource group with which the file is associated.*@name: Name of the file*@mask: Mask of permissions that should be restored* Restore the permissions of the named file
613  If ret Then Go to err_cpus_list
617  ret = 0
618  Go to out
620  err_cpus_list :
621  dtgroup_kn_mode_restrict - Restrict user access to named resctrl file*@r: The resource group with which the file is associated.*@name: Name of the file* The permissions of named resctrl file, directory, or link are modified
622  err_cpus :
623  dtgroup_kn_mode_restrict - Restrict user access to named resctrl file*@r: The resource group with which the file is associated.*@name: Name of the file* The permissions of named resctrl file, directory, or link are modified
624  err_tasks :
625  dtgroup_kn_mode_restrict - Restrict user access to named resctrl file*@r: The resource group with which the file is associated.*@name: Name of the file* The permissions of named resctrl file, directory, or link are modified
626  out :
627  Return ret
rdtgroup_locksetup_enterdtgroup_locksetup_enter - Resource group enters locksetup mode*@rdtgrp: resource group requested to enter locksetup mode* A resource group enters locksetup mode to reflect that it would be used* to represent a pseudo-locked region and is in the process of
rdtgroup_locksetup_exitdtgroup_locksetup_exit - resource group exist locksetup mode*@rdtgrp: resource group* When a resource group exits locksetup mode the earlier restrictions are* lifted.* Return: 0 on success, <0 on failure