
Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:arch\x86\kernel\apic\io_apic.c Create Date:2022-07-27 09:29:07
Last Modify:2020-03-16 21:24:45 Copyright©Brick
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函数原型:static int __init ioapic_pirq_setup(char *str)



char *str
616  get_options - Parse a string into a list of integers*@str: String to be parsed*@nints: size of integer array*@ints: integer array* This function parses a string containing a comma-separated* list of integers, a hyphen-separated range of _positive_
618  Define the default level of output to be very little* This can be turned up by using apic=verbose for more* information and apic=debug for _lots_ of information.* apic_verbosity is defined in apic.c(APIC_VERBOSE, formational "PIRQ redirection, working around broken MP-BIOS.\n")
620  max等于support for broken MP BIOSs, enables hand-redirection of PIRQ0-7 to* specific CPU-side IRQs.
621  如果ints[0]小于support for broken MP BIOSs, enables hand-redirection of PIRQ0-7 to* specific CPU-side IRQs.max等于ints[0]
624 i小于max循环
625  Define the default level of output to be very little* This can be turned up by using apic=verbose for more* information and apic=debug for _lots_ of information.* apic_verbosity is defined in apic.c(APIC_VERBOSE, debug-level messages "... PIRQ%d -> IRQ %d\n", i, ints[i + 1])
630  pirq_entries[support for broken MP BIOSs, enables hand-redirection of PIRQ0-7 to* specific CPU-side IRQs. - i - 1]等于ints[i + 1]
632  返回:1